Image of OVObot teacher.

Pedagogical Content of the Learning Assistant

OVObots Pedagogy is based on the values and principles of the Finnish National ECEC  (Early Childhood Education and Care) and Finnish Curriculum.

OVObot guides children through the content of early childhood education and basic education in elementary in concepts and mathematics (5-12 years). There are also clock exercises, the alphabet and extensive vocabulary exercises recommended by the Finnish National Board of Education.

The content is based on the best practices found in the research of Finnish education researchers. Several teachers have gone through the contents of pilot tests with students of different ages across Finland, Singapore and Dubai.

Overview of the OVObots Syllabus

Here are the topics and skills that robot will ask from students.


The App and Robot has differnt pre-installed programs that can be started by pressing the icon on the screen. 

OVObot Learning Assistant is web-application for online learning in Schools and Homes.

  • A web application doesn’t require any installation and runs on your web browser.
  • Web apps are accessible anywhere
  • There is no update hassle
  • You don`t have to worry about system requirements

Questions are read aloud and answers can be given either aloud or in writing.

In this case, you can do the exercises even if you can’t read or write.

After the first incorrect answer comes a hint. The second time comes a new question.


The Memo exercise expands the vocabulary to include all the main categories of names of things and objects that children should know and identify.

The memo exercise includes names of things and objects related to the following categories:

Colors, Numbers, Recognize 2d and 3d shapes, Eating, Food, Drinks and desserts, Vegetables, Fruits and berries, Greetings, Parts of the body, Emotions and senses, Clothing, Classroom, What is he doing?, What is he doing, Sports and gymnastics, Domestic animals, Wild animals, Animals of the world, Objects in the living room, Objects in the kitchen, Objects in the bedroom, Objects in the bathroom, Means of transport, Money

What shape is this?
What food is this?
What animal is this?


The Concepts exercise develops learning skills in mathematics and learns the sense of numeracy that is the basis for the development of other skills. The key area is perceptual abilities and numbers. Managing these is needed in order to progress to more difficult math exercises. 

OVObot guides the student individually through the following concepts

  • Sense of number
  • Mathematical relations management
  • Calculation skills
  • Basic arithmetic skills
ContentFlow EN
How many nuts are in the picture?
How many pearls are in the ribbon?
Which is bigger? A cow or a pig?
What color house is the tallest?
What number is this?
What's on the right side of the banana?


MATH exercise repeat the understanding of mathematical relations and practice calculation and basic arithmetic skills.

Basic Arithmetic skills; Calculation with single and multi-digit numbers, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division

How many squirrels in total?
How much in total?
One of the balls is taken away. How many are left?
How many are missing from the other side?
How much?


The clock in the exercise teaches you to read analog and digital clock. There are also time-related verbal exercises that practice time-based calculations with the clock.

What's the time?
What's the time?
What's the time?
The journey takes 45 min. What time do you have to leave so that you arrive at three?