OVObot Teacher

No 1. Educational Robot and Learning App for kids.

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Our Mission is to

Help children learn

OVObot is a fun and effective way to deepen your learning.

OVObots help you provide personalised exercises and monitor progress

With OVObot, you can test what you have already learned and learn something new.

We want to promote methods that help to detect learning difficulties even before they become problems, as well as to detect different patterns of anomalous behavior at an early stage and to identify the first stages of exclusion.

OVObot asks questions from different topics and the children give the answer by saying it out loud to the robot.

The program is able to ask questions that exactly match pupils’ own individual skill level. The robot also provides immediate feedback with each task, so teachers or 

parents don’t need to use time to review answers and provide feedback. The program raises the difficulty level of the questions as the child learns.

The teacher can easily track students ’progress from a phone or web application.

In addition to the robot, you can also practice with OVObot via your phone, tablet and computer browser.


With OVObot, you can practice by voice vocabulary exercises, concepts, time and math. OVObot helps you test, review and apply the skills you have learned. Voice-assisted conversational training enhances listening comprehension and clear oral responses.

OVObot understands the answers based on automatic speech recognition and gives immediate feedback on the answer given.

The content framework has been developed based on the curriculum and comments prepared by the National Board of Education. Several teachers of different age groups from Hungarian to special and basic education have also been involved in the planning.

OVObots is a member of Education Finland’s Education Export Program and is rated by the Finnish National Board of Education and Program Director as an innovative company with excellent educational export potential. OVObots has also passed the Finnish xEdu training export program.

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Image of OVObot teacher.

The robot has five pre-installed programs that can be started by pressing the icon on the screen.

Content-Menu Icon


Content-Menu Icon


Content-Menu Icon


Content-Menu Icon


Content-Menu Icon 5



The Memo exercise contains the names of common things and activities. It can be used to identify things in your own language or to learn names and functions in a foreign language.


spoon, fork, knife


fish, chicken, meat, potatoes, rice

Beverages and desserts

milk, water, juice, coffee, tea, ice cream, cake…



Good morning, -day,-eve- ning, -night…

Good manners

Hi, how are you,
Hi! Good thanks. …


mouth, eye, nose, ear …

Emotions and senses

laughing, crying, smiling…


pants, skirt, socks, shirt …


pen, rubber, book, notebook, ruler…

What is he doing?

standing, walking, sitting,- bikes, pulls …

What is he doing?

standing, walking, sitting,- bikes, pulls …

Sports and gymnastics

soccer, basketball, skate …

Domestic Animals

Cow, horse, cat, dog, pig, sheep, chicken …


fox, frog, mouse, bird, ant, snake …

Animals of the world

The kitchen

toaster, microwave oven, . kettle, coffee maker, bowl,

measuring cup …

The bedroom

bed, chair, wrist watch, charger, telephone, com- puter …

The bathroom

bed, chair, wrist watch, charger, telephone, com- puter …

Motor vehicles

car, train, airplane, ship, boat, bus, …


identification of coins and banknotes


recognize 2d shapes; circle, triangle, square… recognize 3d shapes; cube, cone …

tomato, carrot, cucumber,- cabbage …

Fruits and berries

orange, banana, lemon, watermelon …


blue, yellow, red, green…

The numbers


Elephant, giraffe, zebra, lion, tiger….

The living room

television, speaker, radio, remote control, light switch, battery …


The concept exercise contains a variety of general concepts to help you visualize and explain the environment. These are required to progress to more difficult mathematical exercises.
Topics that are covered under concepts are:

Location and relationship

Where’s the ball? Behind the tree,

in front of the tree, next to the tree, on the table…

What kind of

Big-small, thick-thin, fast-slow, full-empty, …


High – higher – highest, high – low
big – bigger – biggest, big – small

More – less – just as much

3 > 2, 2 < 3, 3 = 3

Where and where to?

Right – left, straight – oblique, far – near, …


Measure and estimate the length in non-standard units Compare the length of objects through observation

Compass points

North East South West Northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest

2D Shapes (geometry)

Identify a square
Identify a rectangle Identify a circle
Identify a triangle
Cutting shapes into basic pieces


Overview of the Math Syllabus
Here are the topics and skills that robot will ask from students.

Kids begins with simple counting before they move on to learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide.
Math topics that are covered under the topic Numbers are: Numbers, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. You can refer to the table below for the breakdown of the skills in each topic.

Whole numbers

Count the number of objects (Max:10)
Count the number of objects (Max:20)
Count the number of objects in tens (Max:100) Compare and order numbers (Max:10) Compare and order numbers (Max:20) Compare and order numbers (Max:100) Understand place values up to 10

Identifying ordinal numbers – exact position
Identifying ordinal numbers – relative position


Know number bonds for numbers up to 10
Add 2 1-digit numbers Add a 1-digit number to 2-digit number

Add 2 2-digit numbers


Subtract 2 1-digit numbers Subtract a 1-digit number to 2-digit number
Subtract 2 2-digit number


Add equal groups Multiply within 40


Divide within 20


Identify patterns in number sequences
Identify patterns 2D shapes according to size, shape, colour & orientation


Count amount of money in cents up to $1
Count amount of money in dollars up to $100



Read the time to the hour/half hour/quarter

Equal Hours

It’s three o ‘clock

Half an hour

It’s half past ten

A quarter to or past

It is 15 to 7,
The clock is 15 past 5

Other times

It’s five minutes to two


In the Dialogue exercises the user is practicing to use language do different things. User can practice to buy different things like clothes, food, tickets or order food from a restaurant.


Order a main course, side dish, drink and dessert


Buy the products you want, the quantity you want.
Finally, you will receive a summary of your purchases showing the products you purchased and their prices

Ticket agency

Buy tickets for the desired destination at the desired time, using the means of transport of your choice

